Our Team

Ricardo Rens
Managing Director

Jim Van Eck
Sales Director

Tim Van Der Vorm
Team Leader Export Documentation Desk & Executive Desk

Lex Van Winden
Team Leader Export Booking

Jeffrey Reynierse
Sales Representative

Robert Van Mourik
Sales Representative

Patrick Suurland
Sales Representative

Dominique Jongen
Challenge Manager

John Sprokop
Accounting Department

Bianca van Koten
Accounting Department

Mirjam Pol
HR / Accounting Department

Daniel de Kok
Import Customer Service Manager

Harry Lubeek
Import Customer Service Representative

Chantal Jongman
Import Customer Service Representative

Robert- Jan Van Zandwijk
Executive Operator

Sam Bakker
Executive Operator

Lizzy van Leusden
Executive Operator

Daley Uythof
Export Documentation Representative

Anique De Groot
Export Documentation Representative

Richard Breukels
Export Documentation Representative

Simone van Leeuwen
Export Documentation Representative

Laurike Van Wilgen
Export Documentation Representative

Mike Dos Santos
Export Booking Representative

Robin Alkemade
Export Booking Representative

Chavelli Sjair
Export Booking Representative

Janneke van Leeuwen
Export Booking Representative

Donny Vos
Export Booking Representative

Laura van Dam
Catering Assistant

Ilka Inselmann
Managing Director

Lukas Sommer
Export Customer Service Manager

Frank Gries
Import Customer Service Manager

Nils Vogt
Export Customer Service

Simon Triem
Import Customer Service

Colja Wüst
Sales Director

Kaan Bora
Outside Sales

Frank Linssen
Outside Sales

Heiko Kaufmann
Sales Representative

Michael Schüdekopf
Sales Representative

Kirsten Weferling – Wellbrock
Accounting Department

Kirsten Wassermann
Accounting Department

Marcel Buth
Export Customer Service

Magda Ilesei
Export Customer Service

Tim Moeschke
Export Customer Service

Meike Rathje
Export Customer Service

Sven Santelmann
Import Manager

Nicole Hoffman
Import Customer Service

Burak Tatar
Import Customer Service

Ryna Metz
Executive Assistant

Abdoulie Barro

Ricardo Rens
Managing Director

Eric Wenmaekers
General Manager

Mendel Topsvoort
Branch Manager

Wim Peeters
Sales and Marketing Manager

Véronique Guilmin
Office Administration / Accounting / Finance

Wendy Van Wesenbeeck
Export/Import Supervisor

Sarah Huybrechts
Export Customer Service Representative

Anastasiya Maslakova
Export Customer Service Representative

Jacquelinne Linares
Export/Commodity Customer Service Representative

Marc Verstrepen
Sales and customer service representative

Francesca Ottonello
Inside Sales & Operations

Samuele Curcio
Inside Sales & Operations

Marco Patilli
Inside Sales & Operations

Federico Poggi
Inside Sales & Operations

Ilaria Stingone
Commercial Coordinator

Erika Maccari
Import & Export Documentation

Koen Latte
Sales and customer service representative

Tania Mertens Bolaños
Sales and Marketing Representative

Clemens Dieckmann
Branch Manager